Sunday, June 5, 2011

penetrated different chip of the lake

New Year's Day 2007. The first ray of brightness
New Year's Day 5:30 get up up, restroom stop, to the restaurant to eat breakfast, 6:15 to the south door of the school and other public transportation. At this time, day or dark, with bibi joked that perhaps We are anyhow to be seen at sea when the sun does not encounter the first ray of sunshine. However, when we wait until we go to the pier car had a 7 o'clock. sitting in the boat playing with the camera, then, we see the sun exposed its small brain, a camera Kuangpai, this is the first ray of sunshine in 2007 ah, then do not take it now, when?
arrived in Pine Spring Island
to the bus station has more than 8 , found a sea of ​​people at the ticket, not so many, a explosion into the audience now know jj hh XIAMEN tumble back is not effortless, he started moving everything I've done the first long car ~ ~ This car really is very comfortable, tired Dunsheng, eyes open, the car has been in to Jinjiang. 11:00 to Quanzhou more chief bus station.
Huaqiao University, but so
said this could ambition be flat corner 55 and the British repast, but I want to say. to the door of Huaqiao University, I thought it was a small door, because that door is hh queried about-to-know, and that is the cardinal entrance of Huaqiao University. notice that 2 children, the British brim to within a few minutes to demand our front door. enter the college, see a small point of the so-called fountain is not, I tin not stand the hunger, and one would like to eat. It is worth mentioning that Chinese University canteen good, whereas that things are not all eaten, but, I can see there are still operating purposes. After dinner, take me instruct you 55 that educate, I hear, the heart a morsel tight, is not it ? my feet can not stand it? bite the bullet, go. less than half an hour, we take a stroll all the ins and outs of the Overseas Chinese University ~ Oh, it seems that I want extra, I consider we have to go a few hours, did not expect to suddenly go over. travel bring an end to ...campus in the fall of the lake just felt quite good bridge, the additional also in common, F is not quite fashionable, but not the antique charm, but people are not ugly can not be phoned seductive. I'm elated that did not go to institute ~
Stephen Chau Stephen Chau Stephen Chau bus of remediation is the starting point of transformation
at the bus shelters in the central bus station n waited a long time, only to see the Chinese University of cars, I think the car can have a good point of it, not thought of that car is not an mediocre old, may be eliminated Xiamen 20,30 years antecedent, cars have come to the right Quanzhou, but also super-crowded are also attempting very hard to tolerate the soliciting,beijing escort, the quality of the conductor is very cheap. I think the bus is Quanzhou big problem, observers first impression of the Spring Island Spring Island Transit is to be destroyed. such a cultural background Why is there such a nauseating city bus do?
shopping. Kaiyuan Temple
I like the cultural heritage of the location, so choose to go to the mountain above New Year's afternoon, for there are many prominent temples. the car next to the Palace of Culture , forward the mountain road north, in the West look things that turn of the fortress, incited. Kaiyuan Temple is famous for of Master Hong Yi, approached and saw black tower wall, hang around in front of it, feel it's a long, see a 800 annuals of history of the antique banyan tree, this dwindled the bus to Quanzhou just my bad impression in the temple, and felt is a quiet, indifferent to the atmosphere.
the next day. Qingyuan the top
body seemed irregular at this time, merely in mandate to enrich the integrity of the melodrama, I planned action: starting from Qingyuan!
to the foot of the mountain to see a mammoth rock Laojun publicity photos. because the reason also early, no one seems to climb. looking for a long time finally found the ticket bureau, asked the student ID card can not be deducted aunt, she said, half off,I equitable absence to show a entirely true ego!! I finally found a student ID card is so The cute ~ once saved 50 dollars. So, decided 4 years in college, taking convenience of a student card this thing around. later this countryside, the store can not you, or to make good use of.
finally felt in solemn implications as the tempest, and a belly to lift knee ache, whatever, still have to climb, ah, we stop and go, shooting everywhere. came out from the rock home, I principally admire the ancients, to live in such a mood of the place. I want to live in the repose of my life. a small space, a small pavilion,shanghai massage, a house built in pool, side by side on the viewing,beijing massage! like in the picture in general. like to go relatively skewed Road, under the mastery of my, bibi accompany me to walk a half-day there is nothing to see the mountain, though, that half of the road, we go very painful, but also fun: small cable via the article, took a lot of landscape, nectar spring hh to the main district is already more than 12 points, and found many more people, that we were taking the side road fulfilled ah ~ sit down, eat a uncomplicated ; after all the access up. go mauve Green Lake has no physical strength, and to consider a long time, eventually, bibi as me to give up on reaching the altitude mm blue elements, while switching to Laojun rocks. In that saw a children my grandmother The Laojun rock the ~!
West Lake Park mm further my expectation large!
stop at the water park, go for a long time obtained to see the West Lake Park. into a look, my god ~ ~ the lake big!! see a row of people in the fishing, an old man on the bar just to grab a huge fish. through the stone bridge, saw another piece of the lake, my God? in the end how many ah? walk around the lake, found the two bridges and an embankment into the lake by 4 small lake,beijing escort, and I said the huge lake is said to see, then the pieces together to see the four small lakes, it simply can not depict, merely The lake is huge and can say, take an afternoon walk infinite.
the end, was buffet by 1 chasm!
wade approximately the West Lake Park, direct the automobile apt the heart station, next to dinner at the station, is now creature Hang out!!! actually ambition to eat hasty edible 30 per cent!!! This is rapid food it? the amount of filet mignon is not it?!! I really want to die that flat landlords ~ Why ought I leave this city so when I do a bad impression? here folk do not variety, is simply malign folk Qiongshan out! and Quanzhou cities in such a cultural backdrop of how the public would like it?? Spring Island, the premier impression broke by bus, and eventually destroyed along the public impression! why should it have given in the initial and final bad impression me so bad? I equitable want to take away a agreeable impression, memories, ah!!
Spring Island, really makes disappointing!!
come no joy, no excitement came when, with displeasure and labor set foot on the way home ~ Only those who harvest the photos in the camera

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