Sunday, June 5, 2011

penetrated different chip of the lake

New Year's Day 2007. The first ray of brightness
New Year's Day 5:30 get up up, restroom stop, to the restaurant to eat breakfast, 6:15 to the south door of the school and other public transportation. At this time, day or dark, with bibi joked that perhaps We are anyhow to be seen at sea when the sun does not encounter the first ray of sunshine. However, when we wait until we go to the pier car had a 7 o'clock. sitting in the boat playing with the camera, then, we see the sun exposed its small brain, a camera Kuangpai, this is the first ray of sunshine in 2007 ah, then do not take it now, when?
arrived in Pine Spring Island
to the bus station has more than 8 , found a sea of ​​people at the ticket, not so many, a explosion into the audience now know jj hh XIAMEN tumble back is not effortless, he started moving everything I've done the first long car ~ ~ This car really is very comfortable, tired Dunsheng, eyes open, the car has been in to Jinjiang. 11:00 to Quanzhou more chief bus station.
Huaqiao University, but so
said this could ambition be flat corner 55 and the British repast, but I want to say. to the door of Huaqiao University, I thought it was a small door, because that door is hh queried about-to-know, and that is the cardinal entrance of Huaqiao University. notice that 2 children, the British brim to within a few minutes to demand our front door. enter the college, see a small point of the so-called fountain is not, I tin not stand the hunger, and one would like to eat. It is worth mentioning that Chinese University canteen good, whereas that things are not all eaten, but, I can see there are still operating purposes. After dinner, take me instruct you 55 that educate, I hear, the heart a morsel tight, is not it ? my feet can not stand it? bite the bullet, go. less than half an hour, we take a stroll all the ins and outs of the Overseas Chinese University ~ Oh, it seems that I want extra, I consider we have to go a few hours, did not expect to suddenly go over. travel bring an end to ...campus in the fall of the lake just felt quite good bridge, the additional also in common, F is not quite fashionable, but not the antique charm, but people are not ugly can not be phoned seductive. I'm elated that did not go to institute ~
Stephen Chau Stephen Chau Stephen Chau bus of remediation is the starting point of transformation
at the bus shelters in the central bus station n waited a long time, only to see the Chinese University of cars, I think the car can have a good point of it, not thought of that car is not an mediocre old, may be eliminated Xiamen 20,30 years antecedent, cars have come to the right Quanzhou, but also super-crowded are also attempting very hard to tolerate the soliciting,beijing escort, the quality of the conductor is very cheap. I think the bus is Quanzhou big problem, observers first impression of the Spring Island Spring Island Transit is to be destroyed. such a cultural background Why is there such a nauseating city bus do?
shopping. Kaiyuan Temple
I like the cultural heritage of the location, so choose to go to the mountain above New Year's afternoon, for there are many prominent temples. the car next to the Palace of Culture , forward the mountain road north, in the West look things that turn of the fortress, incited. Kaiyuan Temple is famous for of Master Hong Yi, approached and saw black tower wall, hang around in front of it, feel it's a long, see a 800 annuals of history of the antique banyan tree, this dwindled the bus to Quanzhou just my bad impression in the temple, and felt is a quiet, indifferent to the atmosphere.
the next day. Qingyuan the top
body seemed irregular at this time, merely in mandate to enrich the integrity of the melodrama, I planned action: starting from Qingyuan!
to the foot of the mountain to see a mammoth rock Laojun publicity photos. because the reason also early, no one seems to climb. looking for a long time finally found the ticket bureau, asked the student ID card can not be deducted aunt, she said, half off,I equitable absence to show a entirely true ego!! I finally found a student ID card is so The cute ~ once saved 50 dollars. So, decided 4 years in college, taking convenience of a student card this thing around. later this countryside, the store can not you, or to make good use of.
finally felt in solemn implications as the tempest, and a belly to lift knee ache, whatever, still have to climb, ah, we stop and go, shooting everywhere. came out from the rock home, I principally admire the ancients, to live in such a mood of the place. I want to live in the repose of my life. a small space, a small pavilion,shanghai massage, a house built in pool, side by side on the viewing,beijing massage! like in the picture in general. like to go relatively skewed Road, under the mastery of my, bibi accompany me to walk a half-day there is nothing to see the mountain, though, that half of the road, we go very painful, but also fun: small cable via the article, took a lot of landscape, nectar spring hh to the main district is already more than 12 points, and found many more people, that we were taking the side road fulfilled ah ~ sit down, eat a uncomplicated ; after all the access up. go mauve Green Lake has no physical strength, and to consider a long time, eventually, bibi as me to give up on reaching the altitude mm blue elements, while switching to Laojun rocks. In that saw a children my grandmother The Laojun rock the ~!
West Lake Park mm further my expectation large!
stop at the water park, go for a long time obtained to see the West Lake Park. into a look, my god ~ ~ the lake big!! see a row of people in the fishing, an old man on the bar just to grab a huge fish. through the stone bridge, saw another piece of the lake, my God? in the end how many ah? walk around the lake, found the two bridges and an embankment into the lake by 4 small lake,beijing escort, and I said the huge lake is said to see, then the pieces together to see the four small lakes, it simply can not depict, merely The lake is huge and can say, take an afternoon walk infinite.
the end, was buffet by 1 chasm!
wade approximately the West Lake Park, direct the automobile apt the heart station, next to dinner at the station, is now creature Hang out!!! actually ambition to eat hasty edible 30 per cent!!! This is rapid food it? the amount of filet mignon is not it?!! I really want to die that flat landlords ~ Why ought I leave this city so when I do a bad impression? here folk do not variety, is simply malign folk Qiongshan out! and Quanzhou cities in such a cultural backdrop of how the public would like it?? Spring Island, the premier impression broke by bus, and eventually destroyed along the public impression! why should it have given in the initial and final bad impression me so bad? I equitable want to take away a agreeable impression, memories, ah!!
Spring Island, really makes disappointing!!
come no joy, no excitement came when, with displeasure and labor set foot on the way home ~ Only those who harvest the photos in the camera

Thursday, May 5, 2011

the metal particles in the amount size achieve and superconductivity

1, the exploration of deep architecture of material
2, coordination difficulties of relativity and quantum theory
3, gravitational wave revelation
4, the proton whirl Explore
5, technicians centenary problem - turbulence
6, the metal motes in the quantum size efficacy and superconductivity
7, high-temperature superconductivity
8, solid damage
9 , galaxy formation and structure of the universe's origin
10, solar neutrino secret
11, activities of nuclear vigor and the evolution of stars
12, interstellar molecules and star formation to
13, the macrocosm Constant in
14, the origin of solar play
15, the catching ingredient to quarrel
16, a dark cavity finder
17, the dingy matter problem in cosmology
18, extraterrestrial culture and space shook to 19, seeing because extraterrestrial reasonable life
20, Galaxy Evolution manner
21, the ultimate accommodation of the publish of human energy
22, future space solar power
23,post relative images, the origin of the solar wind and its acceleration mechanism
24, coronal heating and solar wind acceleration
25, the surface tension gradient pedaled convection
26, magnetospheric substorm and magnetic tempest of the overall process
27, fullerene chemistry
28, Single Atomic and molecular devise and synthesis of admission
29, by room temperature organic superconductor
30, extremely selective catalytic synthesis of
31, bunch material
32, nonlinear optical polymers a number of practical issues
33, molecular engineering
34, the molecular components of the single-atom processing and self-assembly
35, the dare of sustainable development of chemical
36, Earth science and complexity of the nonlinear 37 Earth inversion driving mechanism of tectonic movement
38, the person clash ashore universal air alteration foresee
39, the climate system dynamics
40, the natural control theory
41, the earthquake reasons the fluid inside the Earth
42, the Earth's rotation campaign and the interaction amid manifold spheres of the Earth
43, the present lithospheric structure thinking of a number of problems
44, biodiversity protection
45, apoptosis
46, a large comprehensive biological theory: genetic, developmental and evolutionary unity
47, molecular recognition, chemical informatics and chemical reactions smart questions
48, 1 can in the long-term survival outside the earth < br> 49, the brain dynamics
50, life, human thought, feeling and the intention of physics based
51, browse life and the genetic language
52, mad cow ailment - the chief dogma - Affinsen rule
53, the buy of the driving forces of molecular mutation and molecular theory
54, the brain model can take us entire how distant
55, how to control the way of chemical reactions (response aisle)
56 , the future of cognitive neuroscience can beam to the sense of a fashionable interpretation of
57, to deepen the consensus of the world theory: deepen in the survival of the species,beijing massage, the role of remodelling
59, the selectivity of the brain Zi Shiying
60, the action of brain self-organization
61, the nature of considering and intelligent
62, how the human brain systematize their information arsenal
63, the head and immune feature
64, the origin of life, the origin and evolution of cells
65, the origin of life protein
66, RNAgn and the origin of life
67,beijing massage, note that the brain mechanism 68, an mastermind origin
69,shanghai massage, how cells regulate the orderly activities of the genome
70, the appearance knowledge namely how the human brain visual globe
71, plan issues of factory compartment physiology
72, the central dogma of the blank - from the nascent polypeptide to protein
73, of human diseases and gene
77, the origin of life in the symmetry damaging
78, mental and immune
79, age-related cognitive dysfunction to enhance the cerebral pharmacological strategies
80, complete resolution protein structure and function of cells, showing life activities panoramic
81, thought the neurobiological mechanism of
82, three-dimensional cell growth and tissue culture
83, return to the ocean
84, the objective world of self-organization
85, all information theory and of higher comprehension
86, on confusion
89,beijing massage, the evolution of complicated economic systems
90, path integral
91, Langlands agenda
92, the pellet packaging problem
93, the numerical theory of period conversions
94, P-NP problem
95, super-computing theory
96, Pangjia food conjecture and cheap dimensional topology
97, the Riemann hypothesis
98, Chinese and modern human origins
99 human genome research sociology, ethics and valid issues
100, the relationship between substance and spiritual

by the entry you ambition obtain your team's treasure chart treasure apparent where the altitude po

First, the Tianjin Natural History Museum at our volunteers to guide us into the third floor of audio-visual chamber, hearing to the report. (Distributed to you ahead this ribbon)
Second, the audience watching your performances.
III, wisdom content, to fulfill the telling integration of methodology and train to improve the overall quality of the participants.
activities Significance: Orienteering is a very healthy and smart sports, is both intellectual and physical exercise. It can not only muscular physique, merely likewise train people to calculate independently and solve the difficulties faced by an independent capability and are in the physical and cerebral oppression to respond immediately and decisively decisions. It is a sport suitable for students. for it is students independent analysis of problem-solving abilities and good plausible analytic aptitude. orienteering can now make friends with maximum of the child's sociability sports. to subserve team spirit, so that more people can partake in the juvenile, challenging, good to the manoeuvre.
activities anticipated results and outcomes: let more people understand about , brain, and enhance the crew morale of students and improve the overall quality of the students the intention. participants to experience championship and dare the limits of the stimulating experience, experience the power of crew experience and efficacy of a collaborative style with each other.
Tianjin University of Technology Three Research Institute of the Arts

active process:
1, activities are divided into 5 groups, ruddy, blue, yellow, green, lavender, each with five students to the museum entrance for a starting point.
2, by the entrance you will obtain your team's treasure map treasure marked where the top point.
3, started the game and hear the whistle sound in mind, the activities began, students began to find their own 7 points marked the third floor, a total of 15 points jot, the teams use the points collected on each standard to each of the questions on the card publish in the Museum of Natural History, the the appearance time of a person subject.
6, our rating criteria: for each correct question plus one point, wrong answers and did not answer no points, the highest scores we have this treasure hunt is the first Quest. < br> Event Rules:
1, while students can not query others in the treasure hound treasures where the audience, the negotiate team as each team to mail a administrator. (if criminal of a yellow card rule in mind, a deduction of a points, three were disqualified after a yellow card)
2, if the last end of the not enough number of the team competition will be believed null and void!
3, each team can only point of the removal of their team color standard, not can take the wrong one to delete the activity is found qualified.
The harmony among men and women students
: Hello everybody!
M: We are Tianjin Natural History Museum's volunteers, we are from Tianjin University of Technology Institute of the Arts! variant human today namely a very exciting daytime! Well Woman: Oh! Why namely an exciting day it?
M: This is one of our ? Earth Day today, but ah!
F: ah! look my memories,shanghai escort, yes, yeah! really is another day and exciting!
M: So, ah To mark this exciting day, and heave public mushroom the overall quality of scientific knowledge, today, we have arranged the museum a more exciting choice activities, is our
harmony between men and women: Fun Treasure Quest Campaign!
Female: Treasure Hunt ah! also The other people excited!
M: OK! Let me introduce our lineup of hunting today ah! they are all from the University of Tianjin, college students, here is the red team, from () University (Come on friends and relatives)
F: ah here it is our blue team,my e-book free download children's album, from () University (Come on friends and relatives)
M: Yellow Team,beijing massage, from () University of plaudits (Come on friends and relatives )
Female: Green Team, from () University (Come on friends and relatives)
M: Purple and our team! from () University (Come on friends and relatives) are a nice team and everyone we met ,beijing massage! Here is what we should treasure the rules this period we had!
FEMALE: Well must give us some treasure hunt hints it!
M: Well! ears we have to listen good! the starting point of our activities is the museum's entrance, where our staff and I ambition give you a map of the hands of the same.
W: Well! on! and everyone of you to find the same color as the point of standard ribbon just like this.
M: There are the most major entity is to use the team collected the points on each scale to each of the cards! total of 15 Oh!
women: and to answer the upon question! these issues on our side Oh!
M: Good! Finally, when you complete the task have to be a collective return to the starting point! to Finally, the arrival time of a person subject.
women: we must refuel Oh, now I look for scoring: the shortest was 5 points, second place 4 points, and so on, the last 1 point.
M: for each correct answer and 1 point, wrong answers and did not question no points, the maximum scores we have this treasure is Quest's NO.1, oh and can receive prizes.
Woman: We can not asked the audience approximately Oh, we behind each team has a referee, if the foul will be subtracted one point, our referees are very strict Oh.
M: Well, we do not waste time, and quickly begin Treasure Quest our large movement! please set it to the starting point!
harmony between men and women: Letrs go!
2, lead us to the outdoors, make the museum for entire staff in location, consisting of five volunteer magistrates do,toronto escorts, to emulate each team and each team line up your team and await for the whistle. (a clock, a whistle staff)
3, activities started, ( Next time there is a administrative staff person) to wait for the remaining end of the movement of all persons, after the event we invite to our host announced the scores, and requested the Director, Museum of Natural History for the premier award.
4, later the presentation, amuse outdoor preside into the Museum of Natural History Visit
M: Our Treasure Quest amusement this war successfully concluded, thank Tianjin Natural History Museum has given us a platform.
W: Well, well, I The following publication about the scores of each team, the first () Team, () points; second () Team, () sub-hh (and so on)
M: Next, we invited the director of Tianjin Natural History Museum for the obtaining team Awards
FEMALE: Yes, please hh (presentation is completed)
M: Thank you, Director, thank Tianjin Natural History Museum, our visit, hope you had a cheerful weekend!
men and women together: Thank you for participating, we See you afterward year.

video soundtrack

Black Girl (Huang Wei Ting), 8-member.
Name: Wu Yingjie
Nickname: Buddies
Birthday: 08.11
Constellation: Leo
blood type: B type
Height: 163 cm
Weight: 42 kg
Education: School
good: daze
Idol: Ariel
Collection: Stitch, kiki & lala
favorite food: chocolate, cheese, Yakult many favor to do: drifted here and vent
favorite type of music: fast-paced songs
favorite types of movie: macabre horror membrane
attractiveness introduce myself: I adore futuristic All silver objects from outer space emigrant Stitch invincible green fellow my household, my lovely lovely lovely my students entire the darling friends who supported me I love you all, oh not oh chilly oh cool:)
Name: Zhou Yijun
nickname: Daya
Birthday: October 21, 1984
Constellation: Libra
Height: 170 cm
Weight: 48 kg
Blood type: A type
language : Mandarin, Taiwanese, English
collection: letter
Interests: surfing
favorite music: country, HIP-HOP
favorite places: the beach
Favorite animal: rabbit
school Schools: Hwa Kang Arts School graduates
departments: the premier
Performing Arts Specialty: singing, dance, swimming
single EP Time: July 14, 2006
Label: Linfair Records
second EP The third single, video photo Brown Sugar Macchiato OST (Republic of China 74 years)
Constellation: Leo
Height: 158 cm
Weight: 43 kg
Blood: O
good at: dancing, cheerleading
Idol: Jolin, Ayumi Hamasaki < br> collect goods: pink color of the East
hate animals: flying cockroaches
nausea the most embarrassing thing: they are constantly very embarrassing thing happened
the favorite country: Japan < br> Education: High School / Vocational
Favorite Movie: Comedy
favorite music: Pop, RAP, R & B
partook in the program: will > Label: Linfair Records
third single movie pictures Lollipop appropriate with the 4 catena of (Wu Yingjie), girl (Zhan Yawen)
Golden Triangle: ego, Xiao Jie (Zhang Xiaojie), girl (Zhan Yawen)
names: Zhan Yawen
English name: Yako
Nickname: girl
Birthday: April 11, 1988
Constellation: Aries
Height: 163cm
Weight: 43Kg
Blood Type: O type
Interests: acquire money
characteristics: does not make sense , newborn voice
advantages: work, unhappy and reap, to be patient, not scared of ugly
Disadvantages: forgets, the East West touch, disturbed,shanghai massage, into a dead end, three minutes heat
wish: When the work of others, to do all the work like bare
〗 〖
color: pink favorite, at all times the pink series like
Idol: Jolin, Jay
Country: South Korea Japan
collection: paper bags, notebooks, a memorandum
animals: dogs, cats, squirrels
food: sweet, spicy, ice
the type of boys: cute nasty〗 〖

Color: dark yellow, like taint series
animals: cockroaches
food: bitter taste
alternatively not the type of boys: Dirty, not decadent 唷
by: liar, self- But it is hypocritical namely the very temperament of the TV show〗 〖

I love Blackie
Kang Yong-Biao headed
music list
I guess I guess I guess Guess where the problem tonight

complete entertainment
V pick
crush crush pop entertainment newspaper
stuffy air
big pot full
Kangxi to renowned Inhouse

Entertainment hundred percentage of the gold club
size kitchen
eat spicy
Harlem Arts National School
Dalian line
1. Star Mask
2. New Shushanjianxia
4. Sushi
7.Le tea Cherry micro-foam soda
Nickname: Xiaoxun Albee
Name: Huang Ching-Yi
status: Blackie crush 1 of eight members niu
Birthday: 1989/02/27
Constellation: Pisces
Height: 163
Weight: 48
Blood Type: O
Education: School
Occupation: Nurse
Expertise: piano , injection
favorite animal: Mickey, Small Pig, as long as the baby love .....< br> Family:
expertise: playing the piano, enjoy an injection
Male Artist: Shangzexiuming
thankful the woman artist: Mei, Saya, Dai Ailing
favorite songs: Frist Love
Favorite movie: Titanic
favorite place: the sea, mountain
favorite color: purple, sky blue, pink are good hh
My Interests: playing, singing,beijing escort, reading novels
collect goods: can be said without you < br> arrogant of things: as a long half-breed (but I am one aborigine)
most hated animals: snakes u001C snake u001C snake u001C
favorite food: eat of all palatable < br> wish: I hope that behind the old with their loved ones lived a carefree life hh
favorites: opportunities for those who are prepared will make you the reassurance points
disposition crush: have Aboriginal ancestry, disco unbelievable work,shenzhen massage, bound a good dance,shanghai massage, and from basic educate piano, sing in the words of power is no longer under.
Huang Ching-Yi (February 27, 1989 -), manager Xiaoxun Atayal aborigines, currently studying at the new Nursing and Management College, Taoyuan County. because of the show, crush one of the members also acted in TV dramas.
Blackie Name: Buddies
Chinese name: Wu Yingjie
Height: 163cm
Weight: 48kg
Age: 19 years < br> Birthday: August 11, 1989
Constellation: Leo
blood type: B type
Idol: Ariel Lin Mike He
Occupation: Student
Interests: playing
Language: Mandarin & Taiwanese
Collection: Stitch, kiki & lala
favorite food: chocolate, cheese, Yakult
favorite type of music: fast-paced anthems
favorite types of movie: scary attractiveness of the horror film starring
works〗 〖r
TV series Love Invincible > MV -CHEW (Hey chirp) fudge
br> guess - crush love school power Day
Record Label: Record
Linfair fit with a series of Lollipop, Huang Wei Ting Apple
Height: 163 cm
Weight: 41 kg
Birthday: 1984.03.28
Constellation: Aries
Blood: A type
good at: the National Drama Performance
Idol: Vivian, Cheer Chen
Education: Culture University
Occupation: Student
Dahun ㄉ Family: Dad. Mom. brother, sister (Yaoyao)
gather goods: folk give me cards and The most annoying beast
mail: cockroaches, mice, caterpillars
favorite things: I tin eat, yet I'm not portly
favorite food: the best new snack
Favorite movie genre: horror + horror + suspense
favorite color: purple
classical crush Apple currently a student in the Department of Chinese drama, so drama performances for the country is a strength, it can eat in the abdomen, known as a crush of big eaters. consistent with the characteristics of his prestigious, is currently learning Drama and Theatre of China, had good extravaganza in the program's citizen opera performances, flare dance, ribbon dance, paired with its classic fascination, can likewise be phoned a must
【Name】: Zhang Xiaojie
】 【Nickname: little birthday】 【
fatuous sister: July 25, 1991 (80 years of the Republic of China) < br> 【Age】: 17-year-old
】 【blood: O type
】 【Height: 161 cm
】 【Weight: 41 kg
】 【Constellation: Leo
【Education】 : Secondary
】 【interest: shopping, drawing, sleeping (not necessarily)
】 【Idol: Edison Chen Lindsay Lohan vivian
like Rainie Yang and so like to do 【】: reflect aboard their own
【Favorite Color: black, white, roseate
】 【Favorite food: fruit Caesar Sarah
】 【favorite style: casual easy! not necessarily experience feelings were
〖〗 < br> On Star Star journal almost uniforms girl
Yida Huang preferential password MV
I love Blackie
popular in House
I guess
Kang Yong-headed
risk of heart
Nana magazine
Rainie commemorate MV
PTV - Rainie's life
I love Blackie single sweetheart 〖brand〗
Concealer - Uemura show (quite good efficacy against dingy circles)
powder eye shadow - PN (lighter in color, slight glitter)
powder eye eclipse - PN (brown, Xiao Jie used to paint the eye liner, a soft deep consciousness)
Powder - MJ (white color,nearly inexplicably I explosion into tears ... Why, recommend that you hit in the eye space, playing bright eyes)
eyebrow - Anna sui (skillful to draw the natural eyebrow component)
Blush - Anna sui (sweet perfume, so put it down Xiao Jie)
Cosmetic Bag - Dior (simple colors, simple fashions)
eyeliner - THE FACE SHOP (white in color, with glitter It is a good tool for drawing the eyeliner)
Mascara - Fiberwig (arrhizus clear sense of the natural, easy removable, accessible spotted)
Gloss - Ge Yan Zi (fruit lip gloss, lollipops like color)
Pearl Cream - Proudia (rub a layer of basis ahead, the peel ambition be shiny)
eye shadow dish - KATE (brown, gradient color)
fix capacity Powder - Anna sui (kick the T-easy shiny the site, there Dingzhuang effect)
eye shadow - Anna sui (Xiao Jie highly suggested, looking results servile, were used as the end of butter)
original name: Wang Shuxuan
stage name: Xiao Man
Height: 174 cm
Weight: 48 kg
Birthday: 1989/11/07 (78 years Republic of China)
good: do stupid entities < br> Idol: Mariah Carey
collect goods: perfumes, movie stamps
leisure activities: loud singing, snorkeling, trance
favorite countries: France, Britain
favorite animal: dog (I hope the earth does not stray dogs)
afraid of the reaction time: r Laopao r cried tears Occupation: niu
nine lively years: since 2005
Record Label: Warner
stakeholders : I love Blackie .. nine .. 8 niu niu .. Xiao Man in Black Girl
* program
crush weekly reported that , suspense thriller, detective, cartoons, drama
Favorite Music: Mandarin pop, Japanese pop, Korean pop, Western pop, Cantonese pop, electronic dance melody, RAP, R & B, rock, movie soundtrack
Favorite activities: tea, chatting, listening to music, watching movies, watching TV, singing KTV, playing cards, reading, shopping, shopping, watching night, masterpieces and crafts, swimming, snorkeling, dancing, and do naught
favorite places: my family, bookstores, shopping centers, aquariums, zoos, restaurants, cafes, night mart, sandy coasts, mountain harvests, spa, ministry stores
accepted taste: acid, sweet, spicy like most varieties of people: moderate, junket, humorous, detailed and wash, act things steady, gentlemanly manners, a sense of duty that most annoying person: soul to vary, inactive nasty, irresponsible and speed drug < br>

Love the Birds Week memorabilia and activities hosted word process

Love the Birds Week events and activities hosted word process
1st presenter announced the commencement of the event
9:30 (Moderator Bai Shuji)
Comrades, friends, students:
welcome you to participate in the Beijing Milu Ecological Experiment Center and the wildlife rescue center in Beijing, organized Wildlife and Nature Reserve Management Centre in Beijing, the National Zoological Museum, Friends of Nature, and other elements in Beijing co-Love the Birds Week and Celebrates 30th Anniversary of the National Bird Loving Week The theme for the event
: Beijing Love the Birds Week Qingming guests heeded Poly Luyuan
Beijing Milu Ecological Experimental Center director Zhang Linyuan,shenzhen escort,
white Gardner, deputy director, secretary
Guo Geng ;
wildlife emancipate centre in Beijing director Zhang Zhiming,shanghai massage,
Hu Yan, deputy director;
Friends of Nature, bird-watching guide, Wang Zhou pedagogue;
ask is Beijing Jinhai
tall school principals and teachers Wai Ming.
Love the Birds Week this year is the 30th annual of the launching, in order to encounter this special anniversary, Elk Court ambition face youth, and held a crowd of bird enthusiasts a array of renowned science pedagogy wars.
diversity,beijing escort, preserving ecological balance is of excellent significance. speed up care in the normal context today, human location extra emphasis on birds in the maintenance of natural ecological poise in the character. for the Beijing Milu Ecological Museum's first outside types, the Court harmonious ecological environment, wealthy in fruit resources because birds and aquatic animals provide a agreeable alive space and edible sources. Elk Court inspected log in as many as 87 species of brutal birds. As the recent Beijing wetland place from the downtown , Elk Court has been committed to wetland restoration and protection of migratory birds has transform a great digit of required land, mallard ducks and other waterfowl is the wintering elk Court as their destination.
protect the birds, always responsibility! via this Love the Birds Week activities, we hope that aroused widespread concern in the conservation of birds, protected birds and additional animals to comprehend the magnitude of creating a harmonious society between male and nature.
9 : 50 Beijing Milu Ecological Experimental Center,coastal retreat, amuse Zhang Linyuan director of discourse
10:00 Beijing Wildlife Rescue Center, please Zhang Zhiming, director speech
10:10 Beijing Milu Ecological Experiment,shanghai escort, please Guo Geng, deputy director of chief significance to explain bird watching and birds fascinate short-term learning and interaction with teachers and students.
10:30 Gimhae immediately from Beijing Young Pioneers school sixth apt the visitors
ribbon scarf Item
10:40 student representatives are now presented at the guests as the seventh
lair boxes are members of the science ministry to guide the eighth hanging nest boxes

11:00 is composed of the members of the Department and the Friends of Nature Bird Watching science team members to lead the Court in extinct animals, bird watching and for conclusion of the event

extra commuter vehicle

At 9:00 on April 22, Friends of Nature, volunteers and staff in the Wangfujing Street, a accumulation of a dozen bike rental, riding cheap carbon activities began. We have a walker was held at Purdue launching the temple observance site on the World Earth Day in the championship with low-carbon life, learning, and a memento photo. coincides with cumbersome rain,toronto escorts, it is tough to continue, activities had to be procrastinated until the next p.m..
4 月 23 日 2 pm, we The group gathered repeatedly in the Wangfujing Street. for of the beginning yesterday, pave the access, activities began extra smoothly.
about 2:30, we begin from the Oriental Plaza, around the North forward the avenue riding. The flat section of road, safety, rights of way, noise, size, avenue landscape and ventilation quality are prevalent. There alleys and conspicuously marked,reflected no bear apt death, wheeling road breadth of 3 meters, and the motor traffic lanes to green strap buffer area separating the roadside stone, But sometimes occupied. there is not bus stops onward the way, no viaduct detour, no helmet, cyclists and additional basic safety equipment. North onward the street there are some schools, Supreme People's Procuratorate and the Civil Affairs Bureau namely too located above this road on both sides lavatories, advantage stores and other person facilities, the rider is more convenient apt voyage .5 minutes, approximately 33 bike through.
north along the Avenue end of the right to enter the Nanchizi Avenue. Nanchizi Avenue road formation,beijing escort, more safety, noise conditions in general, merely the paucity of bike routes and logo, with the motor vehicle lanes are no insulated, bike riders right of way conservation not in area. There are buses and other colossal vehicles, street parking, however there is no bus station and viaduct ignore, bike paths, alternatively occasionally occupied. Most of the rider riding without helmets and other safety protection equipment. Nanchizi Avenue nevertheless the lessen roads and vehicles, merely roads mostly planted with trees, outlook, the air is better, plus there along the way Wong, acquisition of history, cattle bridges, Cultural Palace of working human, the United Nations Association of China and other buildings, toilets, convenience stores and other facilities are more fully human, so more appropriate because riding.
riding expedition
through a traffic light,shanghai massage, amenable to the ride to the North tarn street. North pond Avenue rider safety, right of way, and the noise along the way conditions are slightly better than Nanchizi Avenue. also planted trees along the road, fresh air, shade proceeded. But North In adding to the exit of pond street outside the driveway and no apparent identification, bike paths and motorized vehicles is not isolated, and the road is parking on both sides at times occupied, and there is bus station set, while riding the rider did not wear safety equipment. North pond Avenue and Nanchizi Avenue are long, the road construction is also a Beijing characteristics. One of the condensate and the Temple, Xuanren Temple, belonged to the old Palace Eight Outer Temples, for the adore of God and of the cloud Fengshen, also preoccupied a digit of observers . Overall, fewer commuters Avenue North pond, trees and verdant, let the rider feel comfortable.
pool Avenue North Fourth Street, rotate right is. The section of the road formation, there is a riding lane 2 meters treaty Pavement paint marked, and the steel railings by the entry of isolation, there are several clear signage will be riding Road and motor vehicle lanes separated. but with bus stops along the way, and there are several bike lanes occupied by parked vehicles, the rider and quite few wear safety equipment, more commuter vehicle, so the security position in general. Fourth Avenue approximation noise,beijing massage, road silver door track, waterfront clouds alleys and byways in the South Lane, etc., for well as the New Culture Movement Museum North Red stands solemn, the rider will feel more interesting. At the same time the road has more toilets, convenience cache, bicycle parking facilities, to provide convenience to the rider. within 5 minutes of detection, the rider and the proportion of motor vehicle travel is about 1 to two.
successfully joined forces

Although the destiny of one individual

A shadow side to break tragic earthquake in Japan, an side is the hit TV. of the formation of a fashion of life into life again in this fashion, he always had he wanted to mention, or that he ambitioned to guide the life and art theorists from the tensions of life and higher life, that is,shanghai massage, The reason it.
cast critics of Woman: The maximum mighty and seemingly cowardly languid, pretentious, thinking that the most massive and small, practical mind,shanghai escort, it all stems from the historic bones of a man exceedingly selfish and irresponsible; to shoulder Shoulder disability of all the suffering,beijing massage, imposed from the outside to bear the ache silently loved by a man who, adore to adore you without grumble all, this is the Chinese female mm tolerant, generous, adore is selfless.
Persons who cheat anecdote outlooked, is voluntarily willing to be tricked. As long for there is not compelled to do things stand, I put a male on the TV in full, meantime a lot a lot to look inside Zazhuo restricted free, while also saying additional families by family, let us not read other people's sins elapse, compassion to say a few words irrelevant words of compassion yet likewise choke their lives. These are not asset of their own,fell 677 points, have a nice front of this talent is its own entity, the problem is merely capable to have a good daytime.
Sunrise moonset only the passageway of period is not today, the earthquake and tsunami earth-shaking is not only today's; fiction story is not only today began to be compiled, and Gou Nannv not connate until today ; Although the fate of one individual, but actually can not control their own apart. human are not who wants what is what's often not thought of this day will be able to have good good.
from the network point of view so sentence: Ga bang fragile, it carbazole ring, if the surface is simply to be more agile is crisp Ga bang, it seems that consumption of gas in addition to detest the solution of the itch. immediate noodles broken pieces in the sack, bulk not work appearance, then feel it? mood is not the crush of the stamina spread into the atmosphere thumping in the wind? study in truth tin only be broken emotions in their hearts. instant noodles or the noodles, the mood or the mood, but worse it all becomes more broken.
Sometimes, suddenly brought home to understand why so broken instant noodles, cooked convenience of eating-out, do not use chopsticks to elect, can be directly poured into the mouth when the porridge.
not to pinch the instant noodles I had. < br> teenager reading That huge fish, He As with their black and blue, tired in exchange for waste to be swept away by the sea when the remains of die fish bone? and intent of the novel is the story of the aesthetic ideas, not real life, youngster,beijing massage, consider of these; extra accidental is that fortune is darted away in the behind of the, whether it is good or bad luck.
and the sea form.
In fact, the living time in living unconsciously created in his own life.
my life I do no know while apt be a shape into the porcelain, are dreaming to be her beautifully carved, the deliberately fell apt the floor. I sweep away the debris over the ground, a ground destroying membrane namely printed above the center.