Thursday, May 5, 2011

by the entry you ambition obtain your team's treasure chart treasure apparent where the altitude po

First, the Tianjin Natural History Museum at our volunteers to guide us into the third floor of audio-visual chamber, hearing to the report. (Distributed to you ahead this ribbon)
Second, the audience watching your performances.
III, wisdom content, to fulfill the telling integration of methodology and train to improve the overall quality of the participants.
activities Significance: Orienteering is a very healthy and smart sports, is both intellectual and physical exercise. It can not only muscular physique, merely likewise train people to calculate independently and solve the difficulties faced by an independent capability and are in the physical and cerebral oppression to respond immediately and decisively decisions. It is a sport suitable for students. for it is students independent analysis of problem-solving abilities and good plausible analytic aptitude. orienteering can now make friends with maximum of the child's sociability sports. to subserve team spirit, so that more people can partake in the juvenile, challenging, good to the manoeuvre.
activities anticipated results and outcomes: let more people understand about , brain, and enhance the crew morale of students and improve the overall quality of the students the intention. participants to experience championship and dare the limits of the stimulating experience, experience the power of crew experience and efficacy of a collaborative style with each other.
Tianjin University of Technology Three Research Institute of the Arts

active process:
1, activities are divided into 5 groups, ruddy, blue, yellow, green, lavender, each with five students to the museum entrance for a starting point.
2, by the entrance you will obtain your team's treasure map treasure marked where the top point.
3, started the game and hear the whistle sound in mind, the activities began, students began to find their own 7 points marked the third floor, a total of 15 points jot, the teams use the points collected on each standard to each of the questions on the card publish in the Museum of Natural History, the the appearance time of a person subject.
6, our rating criteria: for each correct question plus one point, wrong answers and did not answer no points, the highest scores we have this treasure hunt is the first Quest. < br> Event Rules:
1, while students can not query others in the treasure hound treasures where the audience, the negotiate team as each team to mail a administrator. (if criminal of a yellow card rule in mind, a deduction of a points, three were disqualified after a yellow card)
2, if the last end of the not enough number of the team competition will be believed null and void!
3, each team can only point of the removal of their team color standard, not can take the wrong one to delete the activity is found qualified.
The harmony among men and women students
: Hello everybody!
M: We are Tianjin Natural History Museum's volunteers, we are from Tianjin University of Technology Institute of the Arts! variant human today namely a very exciting daytime! Well Woman: Oh! Why namely an exciting day it?
M: This is one of our ? Earth Day today, but ah!
F: ah! look my memories,shanghai escort, yes, yeah! really is another day and exciting!
M: So, ah To mark this exciting day, and heave public mushroom the overall quality of scientific knowledge, today, we have arranged the museum a more exciting choice activities, is our
harmony between men and women: Fun Treasure Quest Campaign!
Female: Treasure Hunt ah! also The other people excited!
M: OK! Let me introduce our lineup of hunting today ah! they are all from the University of Tianjin, college students, here is the red team, from () University (Come on friends and relatives)
F: ah here it is our blue team,my e-book free download children's album, from () University (Come on friends and relatives)
M: Yellow Team,beijing massage, from () University of plaudits (Come on friends and relatives )
Female: Green Team, from () University (Come on friends and relatives)
M: Purple and our team! from () University (Come on friends and relatives) are a nice team and everyone we met ,beijing massage! Here is what we should treasure the rules this period we had!
FEMALE: Well must give us some treasure hunt hints it!
M: Well! ears we have to listen good! the starting point of our activities is the museum's entrance, where our staff and I ambition give you a map of the hands of the same.
W: Well! on! and everyone of you to find the same color as the point of standard ribbon just like this.
M: There are the most major entity is to use the team collected the points on each scale to each of the cards! total of 15 Oh!
women: and to answer the upon question! these issues on our side Oh!
M: Good! Finally, when you complete the task have to be a collective return to the starting point! to Finally, the arrival time of a person subject.
women: we must refuel Oh, now I look for scoring: the shortest was 5 points, second place 4 points, and so on, the last 1 point.
M: for each correct answer and 1 point, wrong answers and did not question no points, the maximum scores we have this treasure is Quest's NO.1, oh and can receive prizes.
Woman: We can not asked the audience approximately Oh, we behind each team has a referee, if the foul will be subtracted one point, our referees are very strict Oh.
M: Well, we do not waste time, and quickly begin Treasure Quest our large movement! please set it to the starting point!
harmony between men and women: Letrs go!
2, lead us to the outdoors, make the museum for entire staff in location, consisting of five volunteer magistrates do,toronto escorts, to emulate each team and each team line up your team and await for the whistle. (a clock, a whistle staff)
3, activities started, ( Next time there is a administrative staff person) to wait for the remaining end of the movement of all persons, after the event we invite to our host announced the scores, and requested the Director, Museum of Natural History for the premier award.
4, later the presentation, amuse outdoor preside into the Museum of Natural History Visit
M: Our Treasure Quest amusement this war successfully concluded, thank Tianjin Natural History Museum has given us a platform.
W: Well, well, I The following publication about the scores of each team, the first () Team, () points; second () Team, () sub-hh (and so on)
M: Next, we invited the director of Tianjin Natural History Museum for the obtaining team Awards
FEMALE: Yes, please hh (presentation is completed)
M: Thank you, Director, thank Tianjin Natural History Museum, our visit, hope you had a cheerful weekend!
men and women together: Thank you for participating, we See you afterward year.

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