Wednesday, April 27, 2011

1985 the meteorological and public safety

March 22, 2007 is the fifteenth session of the carry out the and local levels for sustainable water resources shortage, effective and just treatment.
order apt alleviate the globe water supply and demand, along to the United Nations , given the shortage of universal freshwater resources, not merely in many countries will presently fall into the plight of water, economic evolution ambition be restricted, January 18, 1993, the 47th United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution to decide the 22 March each annual as World Water Day is the ideal life-sustaining liquid. mammalian body is 60-65% water, human body heaviness of 2 / 3, 99% of the head, bones are too 44% water. According to estimates of hydrological geographers, world The total amount of approximately 1.38 billion cubic kilometers of water, of which 97.5% is sea water (1.345 billion cubic kilometers). the world's fresh water resources list as merely 2.5% of the aggregate amount of water, and in this infrequent freshwater resources, there More than 70% is frozen in the Antarctic and Arctic ice hats, coupled with tough to use sleet mountain glaciers and permafrost, 87% of freshwater resources is tough to use. people creatures truly accessible freshwater resources in rivers, lakes and groundwater portion of the total amount of water almost 0.26% of the Earth. a long time, the human mind has a erroneous concept that water seems to be inexhaustible, merely in truth it is very finite water resources . with the social evolution, population growth, irrational use and environmental pollution, human demand for water increasing, but the water available for human use has been instantly diluted, depletion of freshwater resources on the brim of a emergency.
Water is the existence of all living entities, the foundation for development, not only in the Water Day, we tin calculate of spliced to the water, saving water, to make our lives each day to chance will be a desolate woods will stop to exist, plants will dead, the Earth will emerge infinite miles of desert, all life will cease to exist, signs of life will vanish, mankind will not survive.
lack of water Resources
countries are facing many of the world water crisis: water shortages 1.2 billion people, 3.0 billion people lack water sanitation facilities each year 3000000-400 million people die of water-related diseases. data show that the world by region delivery, Brazil, Russia, Canada, China, the United States, Indonesia, India, Colombia and the Congo and other 9 countries of the world's freshwater resources accounted for 60% of freshwater resources. about 40% of the total world population in 80 countries and regions in a serious shortage of water. 20th century, 50 years after the world's rapid population growth, rapid industrial development. On the one hand, the human demand for water to amplify at an agitating rate; the other hand, dining a lot more serious water pollution of water resources for expense. With population growth, irrational use and pollution, the source of life on Earth is gradually drained. According to March 2003, held in Kyoto, Japan, the Third World Water Forum UN World Water Assessment Report showed that for every world day about 200 tons of garbage dumped in rivers, lakes and streams, 8 liters per liter of wastewater will taint the water; all the rivers flowing through cities are dirty in Asia; the United States 40% of the water basin is processed food garbage, metals, fertilizers and pesticide pollution; 55 rivers in Europe only five water quality was poor. According to United Nations statistics, about 11 million people a day without neat water, about 6,000 children a day die from unsafe water and sanitation failure caused by the disease. With the increased damage caused by water pollution, World water crisis not only hinder the sustainable development, but also intimidate world truce, the quondam 50 years, the conflict caused by water from a total of 507, of which 37 had its violent ecology, 21, turned into a naval conflict since. experts advise that, with the increasingly scanty water resources, water, intensified rivalry for knight.
serious water shortage in China is an arid nation. fresh water resources total 2.8 trillion cubic meters, accounting for 6% of global water resources, but only 2300 cubic meters per capita,aboard April 22, world average of only 1 / 4. in consecutive years, the World Bank statistics, ranks 132 countries in 82. to the 20th century, more than 600 cities in the nation, more than 400 cities in the problem of inadequate water supply exists, the extra serious water up to 110 cities.
also an important element in exacerbating the water crisis, for maximum of fresh water from precipitation. In the context of global warming, extreme weather accidents, the probability and intensity of will mushroom. CMA Regional Meteorological Centre in Chengdu of Sichuan and Chongqing specialists in the dry and warm climate in winter was diagnosed and evaluated, experts say: In 2006, the dry and warm spring weather is occasioned along caustic drought in Sichuan and Chongqing, the chief zone. According to the Meteorological file inquiry, the impact deserving to the lukewarm, highly regarded, Sichuan, Chongqing, ranking History winter temperatures over the same time, respectively, the fourth, 3 tall merit of the year. Sichuan, Chongqing, the average winter temperature in the same period were higher than the regular 1.1 ℃, 1.2 ℃; in 2006 seasoned hot and dry summer followed at large experience drier winter and spring of this year, the keen problem of serious shortage of rainfall, drought still continued follow-up effects, resulting in construction of water cache and water warehouse was less than natural rice fields, rivers and water generally in the lowest water level roaming, the water chart is falling quickly. As of March 9, 41 zones and counties beneath the jurisdiction of Chongqing, only five counties are not subject to drought, the metropolis place of ​​136 thousand hectares of harvests affected by the drought, now 34 areas in Chongqing About 140 million human in the county drinking water problems exist.
years theme for World Water Day:
1994 theme of World Water Day: Water is everyone concerned about the liability;
1995 World Water Day Main: Women and water;
1996 World Water Day theme: the pressing problems of urban water;
1997 World Water Day theme: the world's water ample for you?
1998 theme of World Water Day: elusive resources of groundwater mm;
1999 World Water Day theme: everyone living downstream;
2000 theme of World Water Day: 21st Century water;
2001 theme of World Water Day: Water and health;
2002 theme of World Water Day: Water for Development;
2003 theme of World Water Day: Water for the future;
2004 theme of World Water Day: Water and Disasters;
2005 World Water Day theme: the conservation of drinking water safety, to maintain life and health;
2006 theme of World Water Day: Water and Water Culture;
2007 theme of World Water Day: Coping with water absence;
World Meteorological Organization ( WMO) to March 23 each year as the Day and International Polar Year celebration, improvement of global climate change and its colossal impact on the development of human society; publicity polar cryosphere important character in the climate system; publicity meteorological science and technology to promote sustainable social development, the importance of establishing a socialist harmonious society character in enhancing the public awareness of the community and the protection of Earth's airy environment, climate change remodelling and mitigation awareness.
Antarctic and the Arctic is a opener area of ​​global change, this region includes the air, sea, land, ice and biological interaction of the whole process of circle In 1984 to 2006, China has organized 23 Antarctic, 3 Arctic Ocean Arctic examine and inspection 2. In the construction of the three polar stations and 3 was no auto weather station, for a kind of observations and experiments, made a sequence of important results.
3 23 is World Meteorological Day .1947 on September-October, the International Meteorological Organization (IMO) held in Washington in 45 countries Meteorological Conference of Directors determined to set up the World Meteorological Organization (World Meteorological Organization, WMO), and accepted the Convention, the World Meteorological Organization. Convention, when the thirtieth instrument of ratification of the first 30 days behind obedience, that is, formally the Convention on the World Meteorological Organization effective date of .1950 on February 21, the Iraqi government submitted the thirtieth instrument of ratification, March 23 World Meteorological Organization, the Convention entered into force, marking the lawful birth of the World Meteorological Organization. To commemorate this special day, 1960 World Meteorological Organization, at which the Convention enters into force on March 23 as In order to better mobilize the celebrations, the World Meteorological Organization, every year based on the current international hot spots to choose a theme for the commemoration. This year the theme of World Meteorological Day ;. World Meteorological Organization alternative of this theme, on the 1 hand expressed speed up frequent weather, climate, disasters and their harm to human society, the strong concern; the additional hand, is also recognized that by strengthening the weather and climate monitoring and forecasting, you can lessen the weather and climate extremes detrimental effects,beijing escort, and wishes to promote this theme, phoned above States to take fathom to slow global warming trends, to further reinforce the meteorological work to alleviate weather and climate extremes damage to human society. Meanwhile, the World Meteorological Organization chose this theme, but also to tie held in Johannesburg, South Africa 2002 World Summit on Sustainable Development, the Summit will be discussed in appending to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, in 1992 the United Nations Environment and Development Conference (UNCED) 21 the implementation of Agenda, the will of the United Nations Millennium Summit Declaration and the current disaster abatement activities, including the International Strategy for Disaster Reduction (ISDR) of the activities.
to celebrate the World Meteorological Organization set up (March 23, 1950) this special daytime, the World Meteorological Organization in 1960, the effective date of the Convention, that on March 23 as approximately a theme, the festival in the world, to always members of the administration and the public meteorological publicity and schooling. this year as the 55th commemoration of the World Meteorological Organization, the theme is: climate, weather, water and sustainable development.
1. promote the setting of network for international cooperation to carry out meteorological, hydrological and related geophysical and meteorological observations,toronto escort, to promote and maintain the manifold hearts set up to cater meteorological and related services with the weather;
2. promote the establishment and to maintain the quick exchange of meteorological and relative message systems;
3. to promote the standardization of meteorological and related observations, to ensure the uniform publishing of observations and statistics;
4. promoting meteorology to aviation, navigation, water conservancy, agriculture and other human activities;
5. to promote affair activities in hydrology, meteorology and hydrological services to improve and close cooperation among;
6. to encourage the field of meteorological and related research and training, to aid coordinate worldwide research and exercising problem.
2007 World Meteorological Day theme is ; Polar meteorology: understanding global shock Researchers in the summer and winter to work in the polar zones, IPY will be in March 2007 in fact continued to March 2009. IPY basic conception is that a massive digit of internationally coordinated, multidisciplinary and converge on the Earth's polar regions and far-reaching global implications of its research and reconnaissance activities.

years theme of World Meteorological Day every year, The public is closely related to their awareness of the importance of meteorological problems. Each topic has focused on human amuse and reflect the weather-related problems. over the years the theme of World Meteorological Day is as with:
1961 the meteorological
1962 the meteorological on the contribution of agriculture and edible production
1962 the Traffic and weather (principally the weather accustom in aviation)
1964 mm economic development of the meteorological factors
1965 the International Meteorological Cooperation
1966 World Weather Watch Network
1967 The Year's Weather and Water
1968 the meteorological and agricultural
1969 the meteorological services spend
1970 the meteorological education and training
1971 the meteorological and the human environment
1972 å¹´Meteorology and the human context of the International Meteorological Cooperation
1973 1974 100 years of meteorological and Tourism
1975 the meteorological and telecommunications
1977 The Year's Weather and food and water
1978 The Year's Weather Weather Future Generation Research
1979 the meteorological and energy
1980 the Human and climate change
1981 World Weather Watch
1983 in Space weather observations of the meteorological spectator
1984 the meteorological increase food production
1985 the meteorological and public safety
1986 Climate alteration, drought and desertification
1987 mm year climate prototype of international cooperation
1988 year climate and the meteorological information for the media
1990 ventilation services sectors of the meteorological and hydrological services for the reduction of natural disasters
1992 of the Earth atmosphere and climate Year's Weather
1993 for the settled development of the meteorological and technology transfer
1994, observed Weather and Climate
1995 Public Service
1996 with the meteorological weather and sports service
1997 and City Year's Weather
1998 Water Year's Weather, oceans and human play
1999 The Year's Weather, Climate and health
2000 the meteorological service five years
2001 The Year's Weather, climate and water volunteers
2002 on the weather and of reducing vulnerability to climate extremes
2003 å¹´ cared about our future climate
2004 the Information Age weather, climate and water
2005 The Year's Weather, climate, water and sustainable development
2006 for the obstruction and mitigation of natural calamities
beauteous pictures, and I miss the pretty water, beautiful natural.
do not understand this beautiful, how long can we have?

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