Thursday, May 5, 2011

beneath the extra than 2 thousand public and personal property

Zhenping County ashore the Internet a ), is the next important publish to be concerned about. And I had to watch the authenticity of identification involved in the : China's Zhou Shaanxi published . I do not understand why the The wild South China tiger is truly what can? extinct South China tiger has long been functional, even now there are sporadic survival in the wild, can not change its destiny.
But since the public is so amused in true and false photos, treatment sector, the medium, amuse identify the relevant experts to be a silence argue, it should be. In this circumstance, I am more cared about the performance of these experts, from which a peep into China's new learned ecology.
we premier take a look ; real tiger to mail mistaken for Xu Qingtao media), to retrieve the papers issued disc shows that they are of pre-retirement rodent, monkey and fish, only published papers in these areas, and the cats never made the papers, I do not understand why suddenly after retirement became a Institute of Zoology, Chinese Academy of Sciences as a researcher put it, says: understand, do not need experts to identify. But many doubt the photo, but it is the need of experts to response, case in point, the tiger fur so shine it would be also exposed in the savage, capable to capture prey? to vigilant known tiger at near range relating time with people more than 20 minutes are feasible inactive, not aggression or flee? Professor Wang's response is no professionalism at all,what would happen, what local climate is very clean, the tiger is nap time, imagination a morsel too rich . Professor Wang too demands that the tiger photo documented changes in the eye and the .
let us look at The Tigers can only be a smooth cardboard tiger, and only a feline that huge. But the seeds of Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Botany, Plant Taxonomy, fake, the controversy is a photograph of the vegetation and the tiger does not match the proportion of serious. Plant leaves are normally three centimeters long (almost the same size with real tigers eye), not more than 6 centimeters. The maximum suspicious patch of leaves overhead a tiger, the tiger whether it is true, this leaves a small basin have large, positive Fu to say that the space is such a big leaf. seed factory taxonomy, king researcher and the China Society of Plant Taxonomy and Plant Systems Professional Committee of seed plant taxonomy and morphology of the legislature of the views should be ample, right? merely I spent a few minutes to Fu researchers searched the site where the bodies approximately This slip of the tongue or be a researcher Fu slurred it, merely the two leaves of plants of assorted families is not a small feud of form, photographs are very explicit, a cautious learn of plant taxonomists not whether afterward the identification of what really variety of nerve to put the administration of the shelf?
Moreover, 19 cm, 4-13 cm length of hazel leaves. will not be long in the Qinling the two plants - the leaves smaller Bashan Mountain Time out? then look up, were 8-18 cm and 5-10 cm, Fu researchers do not know accumulation of specimens collected at the local, could see the length of its leaves were significantly higher than the palm of Fu also grow a lot of researchers, if the researcher did not grow up with a couple of Fu a child, then a small hand, which in anybody case is to exceed six centimeters of. inspection up to 20 cm, enough to give the tiger a hat, right?
The subject was bats, and one in paradise can be depicted as a tiger in the floor. But he shrieks himself petticoat range (home range) mean 200-1000 square kilometers; masculine activities are female 2m15 times. We know thatone mountain can not be two tigers, tigers are lonely beasts, and their tigers in the Qinling Mountains, where the jungle area that was how much to feed them? Tigers designated such a huge range of activities. Charles said students should be many smaller. In fact, the outstanding Bengal tiger of India protected areas dry Kazakhstan National Park and only the core area of ​​940 square kilometers, with 1945 square km buffer area,guangzhou escort, but also, according to Zhang classmates said, would insufficient for the first few activities of the Bengal tiger? However, according to 2006 statistics, where as many as 131 live in the wild Bengal tigers.
tiger range of prey size and number of the relevant zone. Amur tigers living in the most sparsely prey areas, coverage of activities needed most, Cihu needs 400 square kilometers, the male tiger needs of 1,000 square kilometers, and Chang to the file than the small. No one knows for sure how much the South China tiger range of activities, but it Qinling range of activities which should be less than the Bengal tiger tiger, even a conservative estimate of 100 square kilometers it, Zhenping County designated for the South China tiger can only be 140 square kilometers of protected areas for the activities of two tigers is impossible upkeep of a South China tiger population. so that protected areas can not be secondhand to retention the South China tiger. Chang to the conclusion though is correct, the argument is wrong.
modern science is extremely specialized, so the technological issues expert advice on the most weight should have been the most worthwhile of our attention. taxpayers to aid a group of experts, one of the purposes is to wish that they can give us doubts while required. But really the experts in China with Chinese characteristics, or pacify fussy moment as one expert to the media until the results of their research, the aggregate of the careful, accurate point, when the uncertainty should do some homework, at fewest work look up writings about the vocational tool? gone wrong should be admitted quickly to correct it ? If expert opinion is so apparently fraught with low-level misdeed, or even one outsider looking through the information can accessible be contradicted, but will never confess, is no marvel that experts increasingly devalued, people do not respect them. this situation we have in fact see more, but is the current circulation of a false and amplified academic statement, but also fame and luck in this matter of right and wrong at the peak of a microcosm of the times impetuous.

support the existence of the incomplete diagrams tiger List:
Zhouzhenglong, Guan Ke, Wang Wanyun, clear, the party scene in Caoyong Han Tan Dapeng,shanghai escort,
Wu Ping judge, CCTV held views.
attached with the pertinent provisions of the law of fraud:
guilt of fraud and the specific provisions of the Criminal Code
First, the conception
fraud (Penal Code partition 266) refers to the illegal personalty of as the purpose of hiding the truth with fictional facts or methods to cheat the large amount of the behavior of public and personal property.
II constitute a crime
(a) of the object element of the crime of violation of the object
is the public and personal attribute ownership. violation of the object of fraud namely limited apt state, collective or personal belongings, and no deceive other illegal interests.
(b) of the objective factors
objective of this crime to use fraudulent method to swindle the rendition of large values of public and private property. First, the action of the human committed fraud,shanghai massage, fraud in form that includes two types, an fictional truths, and second, to hide the fact; in core is to make the sufferer into a wrong knowing of the behavior.
fraud to dispose of property of victims, the convict ambition be gifted for the property, so that the victim's property mar, according to the provisions of this section, fraud,beijing massage, large amount of public and private property, would constitute a crime. According to the judicial interpretation, the larger the amount of fraud to 2000 element as a beginning point.
(c) of the main elements of the chief body of this crime
general subject, who approached the legal age of criminal liability, with the criminal duty of normal persons could constitute the crime.
(D) the subjective element < br> The subjective appearance of the crime of intentional performance of direct and public and private property with the purpose of illegal possession.
three penalties
l, criminal of this crime, imprisonment, criminal detention or control, in addition or fined;
2, the amount is colossal or other serious circumstances, three to ten annuals imprisonment, a fine;
3, the amount is primarily huge or other especially serious circumstances are involved, term imprisonment or life imprisonment, a fine or confiscation of property.
beneath the more than 2 thousand public and private property, a

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